Portraits from Sicily

Continuing ont he Sicily trip, here are some portraits of my fellow journalists who attended the Jacob & Co Event. Photographed with the Fujifilm GFX 50S II and GF 80mm/f1.7 lens, mostly at f2 and f1.7. 

In random order, though probably in sequence of being shot.

Andrew McUtchen, Time & Tide.

David Chokron, World Tempus.

Frank Geelen, Monochrome.

Wei Koh Revolution andNicholas Foulkes.

Ɓukasz Doskocx, Chrono24.pl.

Miguel Seabra, Espiraldo Tempo.

Xavier Markl, Monochrome.

The GF 80/1.7 was a superb lens. It was easy and fast to focus, and the out of focus bokeh is excellent. 
