Walking in the rain: Fort Canning at night

 Went for a walkabout around Fort Canning...and as we started out, it began to rain, but we continued. These are a selection of my photographs. Fujifilm GFX 50S II with GF 23. All shots handheld.

The National Museum of Singapore. 

Ministry of Communication and Information has these traditional colonial styled windows in rainbow colours. Note the rain had got to the lens. But no worry, both the GFX 50S II and the GF23 lens are weather sealed. 

A cropped image of the same, but without the glare of the lights refracting off the raindrops. Which do you prefer? I think both images bring different feelings to the table. The first with the glare of the raindrops convey the feel of being there. While the image below is cleaner. 

And a view of the Central Fire Station.
