Alexandra Retail Centre - Wangz

 A popular place for traditional local kopi, Wangz has many outlets throughout the city. This one at Alexandra Retail Centre is one of our favourites. Normally the place will be packed at mid-morning on a Saturday, but today, it was rather quiet. 

The order counter. The barista makes the drinks here as well. 

Behind the wall of the display for traditional biscuits, is the kitchen. Where the eggs, toast and light meals are prepared.

And a view into the shop. Eating in premises is currently limited to a maximum of 5 fully vaccinated persons per group for restaurants. For coffee shops, like Wangz here, the max is 2 people per group, regardless of vaccination status. Normally at this timing, there will be hardly a place to sit and stay. But today, it was almost empty.

Photographed with the Hasselblad 907X with HCD 4/28 attached with the XH Adapter. Manual focus only for this non orange dot lens.
